Opération Gareautrain Canada a le plaisir d’annoncer que 12 communautés additionnelles se sont jointes à son Programme de sécurité communautaire « Regarder. Écouter. Vivre. » afin de prévenir ces tragédies insensées.
Operation Lifesaver (OL) Canada is pleased to announce that 12 additional communities have joined its “Look. Listen. Live.” Community Safety Partnership Program as a way to prevent these senseless tragedies from happening.
Bay Street Rides FAR (For Autism Research), l’événement caritatif d’activités de vélo et de marche au profit de l’Autism Science Foundation (ASF), tiendra son édition inaugurale le 1er octobre après deux virées préparatoires à Toronto ces deux dernières années.
Bay Street Rides FAR (For Autism Research), the charity cycling and walking event benefiting the Autism Science Foundation (ASF), will hold its inaugural annual ride on October 1, after two successful satellite rides in Toronto over the past two years.
Today marks Skills for Success Day, an annual initiative to raise awareness about the importance of the key skills needed for learning, work, and life.
C’est aujourd’hui qu’a lieu la Journée des compétences pour réussir, une occasion de sensibiliser les gens à l’importance des compétences clés dans les domaines de l’apprentissage, du travail et de la vie en général.
Unless Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) area hospitals hire 1,200 staff annually, problems with spiking emergency room wait times and unprecedented staffing shortages will deepen as the population grows and ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at a media conference in Kitchener today.
With Ontario hospital staff turnover rates doubling and paramedics struggling due to rapid increase in call volumes, hospital staff and area paramedics are warning that the depth of the hospital staffing crisis will worsen and that patient access to care is in peril under the provincial government’s current course, which includes the elimination of more than $1.6 Billion in special COVID-19 funding.
Unless the North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) hires 300 staff annually, problems with spiking emergency room (ER) wait times and unprecedented staffing shortages will deepen as the population ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at a media conference in North Bay today.
Unless the Lakeridge Health Centre (LHC) hires 1,200 staff annually, problems with spiking emergency room wait times and unprecedented staffing shortages will deepen as the population grows and ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at a media conference in Oshawa today.
CUPE’s Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) returned to the bargaining table after a three-week hiatus due to delays by Ford government negotiators. Educational assistant and CUPE-OSBCU president Laura Walton will be available to talk with journalists via Zoom during the lunch hour.
Arctic Glacier, LLC, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de produits de glace de première qualité et autres services connexes, annonce l’inauguration d’une usine de production à la fine pointe de la technologie et à grande capacité à Dorval, Qc.
Arctic Glacier, LLC, a leading provider of premium ice products and related services, announces the grand opening of a state-of-the-art, high-capacity production facility in Dorval, QC.
With shipping rates that are 88% cheaper than Canada Post, Sendle aims to address the top frustrations Canadians have with courier services that result in nearly two-thirds abandoning their online shopping carts at checkout.