5 April 2022

Les éditeurs de presse ont besoin qu’un projet de loi soit adopté d’ici juin

L’honorable Pablo Rodriguez, ministre du Patrimoine canadien, a honoré une importante promesse électorale […]
5 April 2022

News publishers need legislation passed by June

The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage, honoured an important election promise […]
5 April 2022

Les éditeurs de nouvelles du Canada se réjouissent de l’introduction d’un projet de loi visant à niveler les règles du jeu avec les Big Tech

Appel à ce que tous les partis au Parlement travaillent ensemble pour adopter […]
5 April 2022

Canada’s News Publishers Applaud Introduction of Legislation to Level the Playing Field with Big Tech

Call on all parties in Parliament to work together to pass legislation by […]
31 March 2022

Premières normes professionnelles nationales conférant un avantage concurrentiel aux employeurs de la bioéconomie canadienne

OTTAWA (ON)–/HEBDO-PRESSE/–BioTalent Canada a annoncé aujourd’hui la publication de ses normes professionnelles nationales […]
31 March 2022

First National Occupational Standards for Canada’s Bio-Economy Provides Employers With Competitive Advantage

OTTAWA, ON–/COMMUNITYWIRE/–BioTalent Canada today announced the release of 45 National Occupational Standards (NOS) […]
31 March 2022

Majority of Canadians That Are Locked out of Homeownership Want New Options, Survey Says

KEY New survey shows appetite for a new homeownership model TORONTO, ON–/COMMUNITYWIRE/–As home […]
30 March 2022

Les journaux sont-ils la source médiatique la plus fiable ? Les derniers résultats d’enquête de Médias d’Info Canada montrent que le lectorat des journaux reste fort à l’ère du numérique.

Cet article a initialement été publié par Media In Canada (en anglais). /HEBDO-PRESSE/ […]
30 March 2022

Are newspapers the most trusted media? News Media Canada’s latest findings show newspaper readership remains strong in a digital age

This piece originally appeared as a sponsored article in Media In Canada. /COMMUNITYWIRE/ […]
31 August 2020

Farm Forum Event virtual conference gives CCAs their education credits

SASKATOON, SK, 31 August 2020 –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Agronomy-focused sessions at the virtual Farm Forum Event will qualify for Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) continuing education units (CEU) in 2020. The conference is a future-focused agriculture production conference featuring the industry’s top thought leaders, innovators, researchers and strategists.