20 November 2022

Le Comité de négociation du SCFP-CSCSO présentera un accord de principe aux travailleurs et travailleuses de l’éducation de première ligne sur lequel ils et elles voteront d’ici la fin de la semaine.

Le Comité de négociation central des 55 000 travailleurs et travailleuses de l’éducation de première ligne, membres du Conseil des syndicats des conseils scolaires de l'Ontario (CSCSO) du SCFP, a conclu un accord de principe avec le gouvernement provincial et le Conseil des associations de conseillers scolaires (CACS).
20 November 2022

CUPE-OSBCU bargaining committee will bring tentative agreement to frontline education workers for vote by end of the week

The central bargaining committee for 55,000 frontline education workers who are members of CUPE’s Ontario School Boards Council of Unions (OSBCU) has reached a tentative agreement with the provincial government and the Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA).
18 November 2022

“It’s time to support good jobs and avert a strike”: CUPE teaching and researching assistants in final days of bargaining with McMaster

HAMILTON, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– About 2,800 teaching and research assistants at McMaster University are […]
16 November 2022

Education workers serve five days’ strike notice as government refuses to fund vital services for students

TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– After getting an imposed contract that would have further harmed […]
16 November 2022

MEDIA ADVISORY: CUPE-OSBCU to hold press conference on education workers’ negotiations

Event Information Begins: 16 November 2022 @ 10:00 AMLocation: Toronto, ON TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– The […]
14 November 2022

With Bill 28 repealed, education workers need a significant wage increase and funding for services that would demonstrate government’s commitment to student success

TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– The following is a statement from Laura Walton, educational assistant […]
2 November 2022

MONAT Gratitude Surpasses Halfway Point of $1 Million Pledge to Close Achievement Gaps Around the World

Eligible nonprofit organizations can apply for a MONAT Gratitude Grant now through November […]
31 October 2022

Real Estate Finance Professional and REAfe Advisor, Adam Gant, Announces New Scholarship Opportunity for Autistic Students

VICTORIA, BC –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Victoria-based Real Estate Finance professional and REAfe Advisor, Adam Gant, has […]
30 October 2022

MEDIA ADVISORY: Ontario education workers to provide update on negotiations with Ford government

Event Information Begins: 30 October 2022 @ 8:30 PMLocation: Toronto, ON (virtual) TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– […]
30 October 2022

Les travailleurs et travailleuses de l’éducation donnent un préavis de grève de cinq jours

Uni(e)s dans leur lutte pour la réussite des élèves et de bons emplois, les travailleurs et travailleuses de l’éducation les moins bien payé(e)s de l’Ontario ont donné un préavis de cinq jours d’une grève potentielle à la grandeur de la province.
30 October 2022

Education workers give five days’ strike notice

Ontario’s lowest-paid education workers have given five days’ notice of a potential province-wide strike as they remain united in their fight for student success and good jobs.
26 October 2022

Resounding strike vote shows that high-quality education needs high-quality academic jobs: McMaster TAs and RAs

Teaching assistants (TAs) and research assistants-in-lieu (RAs) at McMaster University delivered a historically high strike vote last week, demonstrating that they are united in their conviction that the best post-secondary education is one supported by good jobs for the 2500-plus student-academic workers on campus.
25 October 2022

Non-profit aims to improve Canadians’ financial literacy amidst soaring inflation

November marks Financial Literacy Month (FLM), and this year’s theme focuses on helping Canadians manage their debt.
25 October 2022

Pendant que l’inflation s’emballe, un organisme à but non lucratif cherche à améliorer la littératie financière des Canadiens

Novembre est le Mois de la littératie financière (MLF), dont le thème cette année est d’aider les Canadiens à gérer leur dette.
14 October 2022

Education Workers to Enter Mediation in Pursuit of Student Success and Good Jobs

The central bargaining committee for Ontario’s lowest-paid frontline education workers will enter into mediation with the Ontario government and Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA) on October 17.