Operation Lifesaver (OL) Canada is pleased to announce that 12 additional communities have joined its “Look. Listen. Live.” Community Safety Partnership Program as a way to prevent these senseless tragedies from happening.
Bay Street Rides FAR (For Autism Research), l’événement caritatif d’activités de vélo et de marche au profit de l’Autism Science Foundation (ASF), tiendra son édition inaugurale le 1er octobre après deux virées préparatoires à Toronto ces deux dernières années.
Bay Street Rides FAR (For Autism Research), the charity cycling and walking event benefiting the Autism Science Foundation (ASF), will hold its inaugural annual ride on October 1, after two successful satellite rides in Toronto over the past two years.
Arctic Glacier, LLC, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de produits de glace de première qualité et autres services connexes, annonce l’inauguration d’une usine de production à la fine pointe de la technologie et à grande capacité à Dorval, Qc.
Arctic Glacier, LLC, a leading provider of premium ice products and related services, announces the grand opening of a state-of-the-art, high-capacity production facility in Dorval, QC.
With shipping rates that are 88% cheaper than Canada Post, Sendle aims to address the top frustrations Canadians have with courier services that result in nearly two-thirds abandoning their online shopping carts at checkout.
Il n’est jamais trop tôt pour apprendre la sécurité ferroviaire. L’objectif d’Opération Gareautrain Canada est d’assurer que tous les Canadiens savent comment rester en sécurité près des voies ferrées et des trains—ce qui comprend les jeunes enfants.
It’s never too early to learn about rail safety. At Operation Lifesaver (OL) Canada, our goal is to make sure all Canadians know how to stay safe around tracks and trains—and that includes young children.