WHITBY, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– In what in a pandemic can only be described as a most “un-Christian” and reckless action, Durham Christian Homes has cut 70 dedicated long-term care staff, some with decades-long years of service.
Despite the support of Glen Hill Marnwood residents, their families – many of whom have appealed to Durham Christian Homes to rescind the pink slips for valued front-line staff, the home’s management and board of directors have refused to do the right thing and stop the cuts.
This is why on Friday (December 11) at 10:30 a.m. community members are bringing the issue directly to Whitby MPP Lorne Coe with a car cavalcade (distanced) rally of support in front of his constituency office at 114 Dundas St. E.
Coe’s PC government has said long-term care staff should be valued and respected in the workplace, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic when they are at great risk of infection. The PC’s have also acknowledged the staffing crisis in long-term care “that by their actions Durham Christian Homes is making worse with these care and job cuts,” says Candace Rennick, secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario.
She adds that, “in this case we do think it fair to ask: ‘What would Jesus do’? Christian teachings encourage fair treatment of workers. There is no Christian grace in these layoffs. And there is certainly no compassion for the residents who have trusted relationships with many of these same care staff who the employer has just shown the door.”
In the process of redeveloping beds through government subsidies, Durham Christian Homes is destabilizing the workforce at its homes by laying-off direct care staff and contracting out facility services and offering wage freezes for existing staff and lower wages for new hires.
“This is the opposite of the government’s own task force on staffing said needs to happen to stabilize the long-term care workforce. It’s not just about the bricks and mortar of a new building. Residents need their trusted care providers to be there for them when they move into the new homes in the new year. Not just a new building. How do the board members of Durham Christian Homes square the way they are treating loyal workers with their Christian values?” Asks, CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn.
WHEN: Friday, December 11, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.
WHO: Community supporters of laid-off Marnwood long-term care staff
Front-line care staff (members of CUPE 2225.06)
CUPE Ontario President, Fred Hahn
CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurer, Candace Rennick
WHAT: Vehicle cavalcade and distanced rally at Whitby MPP Lorne Coe’s office
WHERE: 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby
For more information contact:
Stella Yeadon, CUPE Communications, 416-559-9300, syeadon@cupe.ca